welcome to Preschool
Our preschool classroom serves children ages 4 and 5. Creative Curriculum for Preschool is used in this classroom, which highlights brain development and encourages students to pursue their interests while learning basic academic skills.
An example of the PreK 1 lesson Plan
Welcome to the Pre-School Room!
Ms. Miranda and Ms. Mekalanne
Monday: Tis the season to learn about kindness. Today we will be delivering “kindness mail” to all the teachers in the building. We’ll also listen to the song “Happy Place,” by Blippi
Skill focus: Language & Music
Tuesday: Today’s activities are centered around the book “Should I share my ice cream?” We will sort kind and unkind behaviors and participate in a sensory experiment.
Skill focus: Language & Sensory
Wednesday: Today we will make a flow chart of what kindness looks like. We will also enjoy, “Try a little kindness” from sesame street.
Skill Focus: Language & Music
Thursday: We will make an “I am kind” rainbow craft today as well as count this week’s acts of kindness from the kindness bucket.
Skill Focus: Math & Art
Friday: Today we will help a Teddy bear who has wounds from his friends being unkind, using letter recognition skills. We will also count hearts on our kindness tree.
Skill Focus: Language & Math
Notes: Reminder to have an extra set of clothes in your child's cubby at all times in case of accidents. Reminder that no toys from home are to be brought in, except for Show and Share days and soft toy for nap time. Please make sure to bring in a blanket for nap time, they will be sent home every Friday to be washed.
Daily Schedule
6:00-8:45 Morning arrival/Family greetings/Individual choice time/planned activity offered
6:00-8:45 Free Choice Play
8:45-9:00 Clean up/Bathroom/Hand Washing
9:00-9:30 Breakfast
9:30-9:55 Morning Meeting
9:55-10:45 Small/Large Group Activity
10:45-11:00 Novel Read/Read Aloud
11:15-11:55 Free Choice Outside or in Gym
11:55-12:00 Clean up/Bathroom/ Hand Washing
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:15 Quiet Time( books, puzzles, etc)
1:15-2:00 Small/Large Group Activity #2
2:00-2:50 Structured Outside or Gym Time
2:50-3:00 Clean Up/Bathroom/Hand Washing
3:00-3:30 Snack Time
3:30-4:30 Free Choice Play
4:30-6:00 Classroom Combined Free Choice